What Does a Cavity Feel Like? 

added on: January 26, 2023

Cavities are incredibly common. In fact, nearly every American will have at least one cavity in their lifetime. Cavities, also known as tooth decay, can happen for any number of reasons including poor dental hygiene, frequent snacking, and having a diet full of food or drinks that are packed with sugar. If cavities aren’t treated promptly, they can become larger and require advanced dental care. However, when they’re caught early, treatment is fairly simple. Regular checkups with your dentist in Juneau can help spot a cavity before it becomes a bigger issue. But there are still ways you can identify a cavity at home in between appointments. 

  • Sensitivity

We may all experience some level of tooth sensitivity at some point, but sensitivity due to a cavity may be a new sensation or result in more severe pain than what you’re used to. Typically, tooth sensitivity related to a cavity will occur when you’re eating or drinking something hot, cold, or sweet. This sensitivity is directly caused by the weakening of tooth enamel from decay, making tooth roots and nerves more susceptible to feeling pain.

  • Holes or Pits

Teeth are strong, but when decay takes hold, it can easily eat away the tooth structure. As a result, you may notice a deeper pit or obvious hole that wasn’t there before. If you do feel a hole or pit that’s new, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist in Juneau. You may have a cavity that requires immediate intervention to keep it from progressing. Now, there may be times when you don’t feel anything happening in your mouth. That doesn’t necessarily mean that there isn’t decay lurking. Dentists have the tools and technology to see early signs of decay before you even know something is wrong. That’s why it’s important to see your dentist at least twice a year. 

  • Discoloration

Tooth discoloration can happen for many reasons – from coffee to smoking and even eating certain foods. However, the discoloration can also be a sign of active decay. Any changes in the color of your teeth should alert you that it’s time to see a dentist, even if it’s white. The truth is, decay can start as a white spot and progress into a brown or darkened appearance over time. 

  • Toothache

While a toothache can be a sign of many different things, it may have some tell-tale signs if it’s related to a cavity. For example, if you feel pain in your tooth when you bite down, it may be a sign of a cavity. However, if you have a toothache, it’s always wise to see your dentist. Pain is usually a sign of something. Whether or not it’s a cavity or something more, you should see a dentist as soon as possible. 

It’s important to know that sometimes cavities will have no symptoms. This is especially common when they’re small. So make sure you see your dentist in Juneau at least twice a year for preventive checkups. During these visits, your dentist will be able to see areas of decay before they become a problem and when they’re easy to treat.

About The Author
Dr. Benjamin Pinney

Dr. Benjamin Pinney, a Wisconsin native, provides evidence-based dentistry services to the people of Juneau and Southeast Alaska. Focusing on prevention, he strives to help his patients achieve optimal oral health. After completing his doctorate and residency, Dr. Pinney pursued continuing education at the prestigious Kois Center. He continues to train at the center and other continuing dental education programs.

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