Don’t Live without Your Smile, Juneau!
Missing teeth is hard. There is just no getting around it. It can affect your health, your confidence, and even the way people think about you. Dr. Benjamin Pinney, DMD, would like to help. We think Juneau deserves all the whole, healthy, strong smiles it can get!
How Missing Teeth Affect Your Life
If you have lost any teeth at all, we aren’t telling you anything new. But if you are facing the loss of your teeth because of damage, decay, or other circumstances, here are some things to consider:
- Missing teeth not only look unattractive, they can also have severe effects on your bite leading to TMJ, headaches, tooth shifting, gum disease, and chewing dysfunction.
- Even losing one tooth affects your supporting bone. Bone loss or resorption, almost always occurs around the site of a missing tooth, so if you have lost more than one, your facial structure is in real jeopardy.
- The International Journal of Dentistry,, states that missing teeth can:
- Lower intake of fruits and vegetables, fiber, and carotene and increase cholesterol and saturated fats. In addition to a higher prevalence of obesity, it can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal disorders
- Increase the risk of non-insulin-dependent diabetes Mellitus
- Increase the risk of electrocardiographic abnormalities, hypertension, heart failure, ischemic heart disease, stroke, and aortic valve sclerosis… A study also demonstrated a possible association between complete edentulism and an increased risk of coronary heart disease.
- Decrease daily function, physical activity, and physical domains of health-related quality of life
- Increase the risk of chronic kidney disease
- Be linked to sleep-disordered breathing, including obstructive sleep apnea
- Dentures are helpful when it comes to smiling and chewing, but they do not stimulate or support your bone. If your tooth roots aren’t replaced, your bone will inevitably resorb.
- Confidence, social life, and even success are impacted by missing teeth. While we may not agree, there is a social stigma attached to tooth loss and edentulousness. This stigma can have a tremendously negative psychological and emotional impact.
How Dr. Benjamin Pinney Can Help
Don’t just live with the results of missing teeth or uncomfortable, loose dentures. Our downtown Juneau dental office offers a range of tooth replacement options to help you get back to living your best life – including dental implants for all-day, all-night, all-the-time smiles.
Our tooth replacement services include:
Dental implants: Dental implants are our very best option for replacing teeth. We offer everything from single-tooth implants to full sets of implant-retained dentures. Whatever implant system is right for you, implants can:
- Replace your teeth in a way that is closest to nature.
- Keep jaw, and facial bones stimulated and strong, so your face does not collapse and your remaining teeth will not shift
- Let you eat with complete confidence and enjoyment; smile like there is no tomorrow, and speak, sing, and laugh without worry or interference.
Because implant posts are surgically placed into your jawbone, there is nothing more secure, natural-feeling, or beautiful.
Crown and Bridge Systems: A bridge is made up of a series of crowns.
- A fixed bridge uses crowns on surrounding teeth to permanently bond the prosthetic in place. While they do help keep teeth from shifting and allow you to eat and speak more comfortably, they do not stimulate your bone to keep your facial structures youthful and vital.
- A removable dental bridge is attached temporarily to surrounding teeth using small metal or flesh-colored attachments. These types of bridges are removed at night for cleaning.
- An implant-supported bridge is an ideal way to replace a few missing teeth. It supports your bone, keeps you feeling secure, and gives you the confidence to eat a healthy diet, speak clearly because it will not shift, get loose, or pinch.
Dentures: It’s true. Dentures are not the ideal way to replace teeth – dental implants and implant-supported dentures are. Unfortunately, not everyone can replace their dentures or their missing teeth with implants. The list of reasons is too long to include here, but don’t be sad or feel like you have done something wrong. We understand. And since we want everyone to enjoy the best smile and life they possibly can, we have worked to find the best-fitting, most natural-looking, and most comfortable dentures out there. We make them to fit you in every way – from the shape, size, and color of the teeth, to the way they balance your bite.
No matter how or why you lost your own teeth, don’t live with the discomfort. Talk to your Juneau tooth-replacement dentist, Dr. Benjamin Pinney, DMD about how we can get you back to smiling ASAP.