We get it– not everyone gets very excited about the idea of a root canal. (Yes, that’s what endodontics usually refers to.) But we have some news that might just change your mind: Endodontics are not the painful part. In fact, root canals are designed to STOP the pain while saving your tooth. Because we refer all of our root canals to our local endodontic partner, we do not recommend root canals lightly. Our patients like their treatment to stay with us in our comfortable, familiar office!

Root canals are reserved for patients who have:

  • Teeth with damage that extends into the pulp and roots
  • Severe dental trauma that has affected the dental pulp or the nerves of the tooth
  • Advanced decay-causing infection beyond the enamel
  • Acute, persistent pain

“According to the American Association of Endodontists (AAE), more than 41,000 root canals are performed each day, and 15 million root canals are performed each year in the United States.”

Symptoms of nerve damage, infection, or necrosis (death of dental pulp and other dental tissue) include:

  • Pain that stops and starts or has been prolonged and suddenly stops
  • Tooth looseness
  • Sensitivity and pain with temperature changes, touch, or when chewing
  • Darkening or discoloration of your tooth that is not from staining, especially a grayish or black appearance
  • Swollen gums, a pimple, or an abscess on your gums

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or issues, please call us right away. We can assess the situation, decide whether a root canal can save your tooth, and send you to one of our trusted Juneau partners.